ECE PhD Intelligent System, Robotics and Control Track


The Electrical and Computer Engineering Ph.D. in Intelligent System, Robotics and Control (ISRC) equips students for a research career on the design of intelligent systems that can sense the world, reason about and make decisions on the world, perhaps all in real-time. The electric and power system, that interconnects billions of users and physical devices, is a representative system and application in this discipline.

The development of sophisticated systems is necessarily an interdisciplinary activity. To sense and succinctly represent events in the world requires knowledge of signal processing, information theory, and data analysis; to make good decisions about highly complex systems requires knowledge of mathematical optimization theory and domain knowledge in power system modeling and dynamics; and to act upon the world requires familiarity with concepts of control theory and machine learning. In addition to the theoretical optimization, control and machine learning aspects, many important hardware and software issues must be addressed in order to obtain an effective fusion of a complicated suite of sensors, computers, and problem dynamics into one integrated system - to enable the future smart grid.

All students in ISRC must satisfy the requirements of the ECE Doctoral Program as described on the ECE website. The following core and elective courses are designed to support the organization of the Department Qualifying Exam (DQE), which is ultimately up to the student’s committee.


All students will take the core courses.

ECE 269 Linear Algebra & Applications 

ECE 271A Statistical Learning I

ECE 272A Stochastic Processes in Dynamical Systems

ECE 276A Sensing & Estimation
